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[WPT]≡ Descargar Gratis AFTER THE WARNING TO 2038 edition by Bruce Cyr Religion Spirituality eBooks

AFTER THE WARNING TO 2038 edition by Bruce Cyr Religion Spirituality eBooks

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Download PDF AFTER THE WARNING TO 2038  edition by Bruce Cyr Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Our civilization as we know it, is running out of time, but most fail to see the sudden destruction, soon to fall upon us. "When conditions are at their worst," a Warning will come directly from God and few people are aware of the hour. This can be calculated accurately, based upon scores of prophecies available to us through Catholic saints inspired by the Holy Spirit. In the 20th century, Satan was and is allowed the opportunity to accomplish his greatest challenge, since the beginning of mankind. The power of darkness has been increasing for the last 250 years since the rise of Freemasonry/ Illuminati. Furthermore, beginning in 1917, God allows Satan an extended reign of one hundred years to have more time and more power to try to defeat and destroy the Church and in fact all mankind. Pope John Paul II during his time, was aware of a great storm on the horizon "Precisely at the end of the second millennium, there accumulates on the horizon of all mankind enormously threatening clouds, and darkness falls upon mankind." An awakening is coming!! Pope John Paul talked about the Lamb (Jesus Christ), who is the only one able to open up the seven seals "That scroll contains the whole series of divine decrees that must be accomplished in human history to make perfect justice prevail. If the scroll remains sealed, these decrees can be neither known nor implemented, and wickedness will continue to spread and oppress believers. Hence, the need for authoritative intervention it would be made by the slain and risen take the scroll and to open its seals. The Warning has been predicted in prophecies in the Catholic Church for over 500 years. In the 20th Century, Mary, Mother of Jesus has predicted this same event with urgency, at three different apparition sites. The Warning or Illumination of Conscience is the first of Ten Secrets or events that will unfold on this earth. The Warning will take place for all humanity, because of an intense build up of cataclysmic events about to unfold in the Middle East and in the United States that will affect the whole world. The book, "AFTER THE WARNING To 2038" reveals many words from Heaven of future events, taken from the Bible and the traditional treasures of revelation from the Early Church Fathers, Doctors of the Church, and Catholic saints including venerable, blessed, and canonized, Mystics of the Church including stigmatists, priests and religious, ordinary men and women of notable discernable credibility, and from visionaries who have seen Mary, Mother of Jesus; all from the Holy Spirit. This book has many major prophecies of DETAILED INFORMATION about 10 events or secrets in a chronological order, and are about to unfold. Many of these events have not ever been experienced in this world before. Our Lady of Medjugorje's yearly apparition of March 25, 1985 to Mirjana relates of events just before the time of the Warning "It is an upheaval of a region of the world. In the world, there are so many sins."
Our Lady of Peace to Pedro Regis "Humanity is contaminated with evil and my poor children pursue the paths of self-destruction. Israel will live the anguish of one condemned because of the surprise by the men of terror."
"The City of Jerusalem will be destroyed and when they go through the tribulation, it will not be recognized."

AFTER THE WARNING TO 2038 edition by Bruce Cyr Religion Spirituality eBooks

Maybe this review is on the cheap, but a preview of this book makes me pine to relate my findings.

I have read 'After the Warning,' by the same author who wrote this book, which is really a follow-up to the latter book. Maybe I should recuse myself since I haven't finished it, but after reading the first book (copyright 2014), I was able to read a free sample of this book.

By all means if you haven't read the first book, I would read this one only. Having read the sample of this edition and the first book in its entirety, I discovered nothing newly written. The first book forecasts the tribunal Warning, which has been revealed by Marian apparitions, including from Garabandal, Spain. However, author, Bruce Cyr's first forecast was for The Warning to take place during the spring of 2016. Here we are in 2017, and the Warning has yet to come to fruition. This casts a credibility gap that is hard to hurdle. However, he has laid bear his evidence, and the correlations he made from saints' journals, pope's texts, and Revelation are still relevant. If nothing else, how he was able to interpret God's place in history to the present and the past make this book still cogent and urgent.

After fudging the dates for the forecast warning, people can do two things: Dismiss the original premise of events of the warning, or simply they can understand that like the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world, some matters are are meant to be kept secrets, like the Ten Secrets (as they are named) of Medjugorje. They are meant to be understood as God's mark on human history, and the prospect of daily apparitions of The Blessed Virgin Mary for over thirty-five years matched with a corresponding crisis of faith, make us understand the urgency of today's times, but we should be cautious about trying to pinpoint them. Also, in the gospel, Jesus speaks of tribulations, but he says that the day and the hour are not known to man, not even to the Son, but only to the Father and those to whom He reveals [such events]. The Seers in Medjugorje call the signs of "The Ten Secrets". They are called secrets because that's the way God wants them presented.

In some ways, the logic, the lucid intertwining of texts and reasoning help, but to a certain sense, each person's death is the end of times. No matter if there is a plague, the horrors of World War II, or if the seals of the apocalypse are soon impending, people's lives always have a beginning and end. God's privacy should not be infringed upon because He has His own times presented and all miracles, blessings, and calamity are on-going. If the disciples believed Jesus's Second Coming was imminent in their own times, then we should view death as handed down by God in every age in different measures, as the fulfillment of time for every life on earth.

In both editions, Bruce Cyr has stated that The Holy Spirit gives revelation as well as the texts he uses. Some prudent advice shows us that some of the warnings about discernment (i.e. St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. John of the Cross, et. al) could have gone along with this author while writing this book, and he would have had been a little more reticent about assigning specific dates regarding future phenomena.

(One Catholic author has claimed plagiarism, and his book (The Secrets of Medjugorje and Garabandal was published in 2007.)

Product details

  • File Size 3197 KB
  • Print Length 434 pages
  • Publisher Bruce Cyr (March 8, 2017)
  • Publication Date March 8, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read AFTER THE WARNING TO 2038  edition by Bruce Cyr Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Tags : AFTER THE WARNING TO 2038 - Kindle edition by Bruce Cyr. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Bruce Cyr,AFTER THE WARNING TO 2038,Bruce Cyr,Religion Eschatology,Religion Religion, Politics & State
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AFTER THE WARNING TO 2038 edition by Bruce Cyr Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

This book has a lot of substance but I cringe at all the grammatical errors. It is not a Miraculous Metal, it is a Miraculous Medal! It is not Emmetsburg, MD it is Emmitsburg, MD. With the technology available and editorial help, it is inexcusable to have so many grammatical errors. I pray the next edition has numerous corrections. This may sound over critical, but it truly impacts the reader's view as to the professionalism and crediblity of the work. God bless your efforts and may the Immaculate Heart of Mary reign over our fallen world!
Maybe this review is on the cheap, but a preview of this book makes me pine to relate my findings.

I have read 'After the Warning,' by the same author who wrote this book, which is really a follow-up to the latter book. Maybe I should recuse myself since I haven't finished it, but after reading the first book (copyright 2014), I was able to read a free sample of this book.

By all means if you haven't read the first book, I would read this one only. Having read the sample of this edition and the first book in its entirety, I discovered nothing newly written. The first book forecasts the tribunal Warning, which has been revealed by Marian apparitions, including from Garabandal, Spain. However, author, Bruce Cyr's first forecast was for The Warning to take place during the spring of 2016. Here we are in 2017, and the Warning has yet to come to fruition. This casts a credibility gap that is hard to hurdle. However, he has laid bear his evidence, and the correlations he made from saints' journals, pope's texts, and Revelation are still relevant. If nothing else, how he was able to interpret God's place in history to the present and the past make this book still cogent and urgent.

After fudging the dates for the forecast warning, people can do two things Dismiss the original premise of events of the warning, or simply they can understand that like the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world, some matters are are meant to be kept secrets, like the Ten Secrets (as they are named) of Medjugorje. They are meant to be understood as God's mark on human history, and the prospect of daily apparitions of The Blessed Virgin Mary for over thirty-five years matched with a corresponding crisis of faith, make us understand the urgency of today's times, but we should be cautious about trying to pinpoint them. Also, in the gospel, Jesus speaks of tribulations, but he says that the day and the hour are not known to man, not even to the Son, but only to the Father and those to whom He reveals [such events]. The Seers in Medjugorje call the signs of "The Ten Secrets". They are called secrets because that's the way God wants them presented.

In some ways, the logic, the lucid intertwining of texts and reasoning help, but to a certain sense, each person's death is the end of times. No matter if there is a plague, the horrors of World War II, or if the seals of the apocalypse are soon impending, people's lives always have a beginning and end. God's privacy should not be infringed upon because He has His own times presented and all miracles, blessings, and calamity are on-going. If the disciples believed Jesus's Second Coming was imminent in their own times, then we should view death as handed down by God in every age in different measures, as the fulfillment of time for every life on earth.

In both editions, Bruce Cyr has stated that The Holy Spirit gives revelation as well as the texts he uses. Some prudent advice shows us that some of the warnings about discernment (i.e. St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. John of the Cross, et. al) could have gone along with this author while writing this book, and he would have had been a little more reticent about assigning specific dates regarding future phenomena.

(One Catholic author has claimed plagiarism, and his book (The Secrets of Medjugorje and Garabandal was published in 2007.)
Ebook PDF AFTER THE WARNING TO 2038  edition by Bruce Cyr Religion  Spirituality eBooks

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